What’s in a Chip? Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Poker Chips
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What’s in a Chip? Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Poker Chips

Ever wondered about interesting facts related to poker chips? Star Punter Games will satisfy your curiosity shortly. Learn everything there is to know about these unique little colored rounds. We can begin from a brief glimpse into history and move forward to details you may not know even if you are a pro at the game. We don’t just tell you about the best casino games to play online. You need to know the basics first, then the pro tactics. Let’s begin.

Fascinating Facts About Poker Chips You Will Love To Know About

You might have seen that poker chips come in various materials, colors and values even. But not everyone knows the meaning behind the details. For example, what is the value of a red poker chip? Where did they come from? Can you do any tricks with them? We have all your answers right here.

A Brief Glimpse Into The History Of Poker

Actual History of Casino Chips

They may have begun all the way back to 9th century China for some games. But the actual poker chips as we know today concretely began in the early 19th century US and Europe. They were used as substitutes for currency and eliminated the need to constantly exchange money during the game.

When it all started, poker chips were made from various materials like ivory, clay and bone. But, then they were easy to counterfeit. This was why casinos in the olden days began making custom chips for their games and tournaments.

Present Day of Casino Chips

Nowadays, casinos always design their chips, engrave their name and use countless other strategies to prevent counterfeit. From the design to the composition, everything evolved to provide a standard experience for players.

Are They Poker Chips Or Casino Chips Or Casino Tokens?

You might be surprised by this one. So, hear me out before playing the best rummy in India with us. Casinos use these chips for all types of casino games, not just poker. While they are also called casino tokens, nobody remembers calling them casino chips or casino tokens. This is because they are most popular as poker chips. And we can bet that if someone asked you before, what they are called, you’d have answered poker chips as well!

Types Of Poker Chips You Need To Learn About

While they are usually round, did you know that some poker chips can also be rectangular in a high stakes game? High rolling players enjoy the exclusivity of playing with special, unique types of poker chips. The chips are made of different materials, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Let’s see what they are.

Plastic chips

The cheapest of their kind, plastic chips are lightweight and budget friendly. They are best suited to casual games.

Composite chips

These chips blend different materials for a more durable finish but within an inexpensive price range. Another popular option here is composite clay chips.

Ceramic chips

With a feel similar to playing in a real casino, their intricate designs get them on the pricier side. They are very smooth and casinos can get them customised easily.

Metal chips

Though on the noisier side, metal poker chips offer luxe tradition as they are heavy. They are used for high stakes games only.


Now that you know the types of poker chips and their history, are you ready to indulge in some roulette table games online with us? Take a moment to appreciate the thought going into these unassuming chips before you play online.